Resources for the Study of Wild Bees


Euglossa (Euglossella) mandibularis

(Friese, 1899)


Subgenus: Euglossella
genus: Euglossa
tribe: Euglossini
Subfamily: Apinae
Family: Apidae
  • Euglossa aenescens (Friese, 1925)
  • Euglossa mandibularis bernardina (Cockerell, 1917)
  • Described in

    Studied in

    Mentioned in

    - Zucchi-etc., 1969bZucchi, R., S. F. Sakagami, and J. M. F. Camargo. (1969): Biological observations on a neotropical parasocial bee, Eulaema nigrita, with a review on the biology of Euglossinae. , p.277