Resources for the Study of Wild Bees


Coelioxys acanthura

(Illiger, 1806)


genus: Coelioxys
tribe: Megachilini
Subfamily: Megachilinae
Family: Megachilidae
  • Apis quadridentata (Panzer, 1798)
  • Coelioxita acanthura (Förster, 1853)
  • Coelioxita acanthura (Illiger, 1806)
  • Coelioxys acanthurus (Illiger, 1806)
  • Coelioxys italica (Gistel, 1857)
  • Coelioxys robusta (Morawitz, 1875)
  • Coelioxys undecimdentata (Radoszkowski, 1893)
  • Described in

    Studied in

    - Scheuchl-Willner, 2016Scheuchl, E. and Willner, W. (2016): Taschenlexikon der Wildbienen Mitteleuropas , p.322

    Mentioned in

    - Scheuchl-Willner, 2016Scheuchl, E. and Willner, W. (2016): Taschenlexikon der Wildbienen Mitteleuropas , p.601