Resources for the Study of Wild Bees


Andrena (Proxiandrena) ampla

(Warncke, 1967)


Subgenus: Proxiandrena
genus: Andrena
Subfamily: Andreninae
Family: Andrenidae
  • Andrena proxima ampla (Warncke, 1967)
  • Described in

    Studied in

    - Scheuchl-Willner, 2016Scheuchl, E. and Willner, W. (2016): Taschenlexikon der Wildbienen Mitteleuropas , p.50

    Mentioned in

    - Scheuchl-Willner, 2016Scheuchl, E. and Willner, W. (2016): Taschenlexikon der Wildbienen Mitteleuropas , p.664
    - Smit, 2018Smit, J. (2018): Identification key to the European species of the bee genus Nomada Scopoli, 1770 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), including 23 new speicies , p.129